Kaptar Environmental Pest Control Technicians are here to help and give you some tips on keeping your home pest-free. Of course, the best way to prevent pests in your home is to work with our highly trained Kaptar Environmental Pest Control Technicians to find the best Pest Treatment Plan for your home.
If you are wondering what else you can do to keep your home pest-free follow the steps below and ask your local Kaptar Environmental about our Pest-Free Guarantee!
A messy home causes stress, health issues, and sometimes just chaos. Pests enter your home and can cause problems without you even suspecting it. When entering your home pests are looking for food and shelter. Cluttered spaces are an opportunity for pests to hide from homeowners for longer periods, letting a large infestation occur. Some ways we suggest helping our fellow Spokane and Kootenai County family is to do the following:
-Work with your local Kaptar Environmental Pest Expert to have a minimum of a Quarterly Treatment plan in place
-Removing all food and crumbs from surface areas after meals
-Dusting the cracks and crevices of your home
-Sweeping and vacuuming Daily
-Picking up floor clutter around your home where pests can be hiding
-Outdoor leaf and debris clean up, pests love to hide in this outside before making way into the home
-Clearing gutters of debris regularly where pests love to thrive
If you find yourself with a pest issue it should be promptly taken care of by an experienced pest technician to ensure you aren't making your pest problems worse. Call your local Kaptar Environmental Pest Control branch for a free pest inspection to ensure your home is safe and pest free to enjoy!