Rodent Sanitation

Rodent Sanitation Services

Don't go alone - Lets keep you healthy!

There are many reasons home and business owners hire local pest control companies like Organix Pest Control to perform a rodent sanitation service. When you deal with rodent populations that have expanded to a point where potentially severe damage has occurred it becomes time to do something about what they leave behind. Mice and Rats are not sanitary pests, they nest in their urine and fecal matter which in time becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and in some cases depending on the species of mouse, viruses. See an article on the Hanta Virus from the CDC. This can be a severe health risk to humans and should be sanitized as soon as possible.

Do I need rodent sanitation services?

The longer a mouse or rat colony stays in your home or business the higher the risk is for potential health hazards. We recommend getting rid of rodents as soon as possible after you notice them in your home due to their rapid reproduction rate. If mice are left to establish themselves for a long time you may be dealing with expensive sanitation after they are exterminated.

Can I DIY a sanitation service?

That depends, dealing with rodent biowaste isn't as straightforward as simply painting a room by yourself. If you wouldn't take on a mold remediation project on your own, we wouldn't recommend dealing with a rodent sanitation service by yourself either.

Can rodent biowaste affect my health?

Absolutely, even if the rodent is not carrying a potential virus there are all sorts of issues humans can run into when dealing with rodent fecal matter and urine. Allergies and unsanitary conditions can exacerbate pre-existing minute conditions in humans that don't show up until someone is affected by rodent biowaste. If you suspect that the mice inside your home are what we call a "deer-mouse" we highly suggest preforming a rodent sanitation service as soon as possible after the rodent population at the home or business has been controlled.

What does a rodent sanitation service include?

Rodent sanitation will need to start with the removal of rodent biowaste soled contents. The process will be different depending on the area affected by the invading rodent population. If the problem was severe enough we may need to remove a significant amount of insulation as that is commonly used as bedding material for rodents. After we removed the affected contents we will need to use a PMP HEPA Vacuum to safely remove any rodent fecal matter and hoarded materials. After the area is sufficiently cleared of rodent biowaste, we can now apply three products to complete the rodent sanitation service which includes an Anti-Viral Agent, Mildestat, and Deodorizing Agent.

How much does a rodent sanitation cost?

A rodent sanitation service is normally priced per foot or by the job itself depending on the severity of the infestation and contents that need to be removed or sanitized. If the site is measurable we tend to price our rodent sanitation services by the foot, not including severe removal of contents. The average cost for a rodent sanitation can range from $4.00 to $6.00 per sqft.

Don't face it alone. We can help!

Call us at 208-518-0930 or contact us for your free quote.
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